$5M Raised to Improve Revenue Forecasts for Mobile Gaming Apps

Ramp, a London, UK-based forecasting analytics startup transforming how global finance teams plan for the future, raised $5 million in seed funding.

I interviewed Dan Marcus, co-founder and CEO at Ramp. Dan is a serial entrepreneur with a passion for SaaS. Ramp is helping mobile gaming apps forecast revenue more accurately.

The round was led by AlbionVC and Eurazeo with participation from Triple Point Ventures and angel investors including Barnaby Hussey-Yeo, CEO at Cleo, and Stephane Kurgan, Ex-COO at King.com, among others.

Ramp is a user and revenue forecasting startup that is transforming how global finance teams plan for the future. It uses an opinionated view of modeling the interactions between the different levers of a business and with additional models to optimize inputs such as seasonality and live ops.

- Founded 2018

- HQ in the UK

- Staff of 34

- Passing $1M ARR

- Raised $5M

Dan Marcus’ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dansmarcus/

Ramp’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/rampgrowth/

SaaS Fundraising Story: https://www.thesaasnews.com/news/ramp-closes-5-million-in-seed-round

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