$65M Investment to Improve Identity and Access Management for Apps

Welcome to The SaaS CFO Podcast. In this episode, host Ben is joined by Brian Pontarelli, founder and CEO at Fusionauth, a customer identity and access management tool. Brian delves into his coding background, the products and services offered by Fusionauth, and the company's journey from its founding to recent growth equity investment.  
He shares insights on their go-to-market strategy, metrics guiding the business, and their focus on product development and boosting their market presence. Don't miss Brian's valuable lessons learned and what's in store for Fusionauth's future. Tune in for an insightful conversation on SaaS growth and evolution. 

Show Notes: 
00:00 Login downtime closes cash register. Prioritize customer login ease. 

04:45 Friend and I tried to recreate the web, but switched to a profanity filter which became successful. 

08:02 Focused on content marketing, SEO, and developer-oriented ads using platforms like Google and LinkedIn to reach developers. Ads are creative and provide immediate value with ebooks. 

09:40 Received interest from various firms, pursued growth equity investment. 

13:25 Focusing on real metrics, not just revenue growth. 

16:28 Fusionauth IO website - comprehensive and transparent resource for information without sales pressure. 


SaaS Fundraising Stories: https://www.thesaasnews.com/news/fusionauth-secures-65-million-in-funding 

Brian Pontarelli’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/voidmain/ 

Fusion Auth’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/fusionauth/ 

Fusion Auth’s Website: https://fusionauth.io/ 

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