$12M Raised to Bring Enterprise Grade Data and Analytics to Finance Teams

Welcome to The SaaS CFO Podcast, I'm your host, Ben, and today we're diving into the financial heartbeat of SaaS companies with a very special guest, Vipul Shah, the co-founder and CEO/CFO at SaaS Works.

In this episode, Vipul will share his unique insights into guiding metrics that are crucial for any recurring revenue business such MRR, ARR, customer retention, and dollar retention, and why these metrics are pivotal for evaluating capital efficiency, customer satisfaction, and product-market fit. 

We'll also explore how Vipul's background in technology and finance has shaped the services offered by SaaSWorks, a company dedicated to enhancing the office of the CFO through data-driven decision-making and automation. Get ready to learn about their innovative approach to quality of revenue, their successful funding rounds, and the lessons they've learned along the way, not to mention the importance of community and customer-led growth. 

Whether you're a CFO, a SaaS entrepreneur, or an investor, this conversation will give you a comprehensive outlook on the value drivers in the SaaS world and the evolving role of finance in the success of a SaaS business.

Remember to check out more about SaasWorks at www.saasworks.com. So, let’s buckle up and get ready for a journey into the metrics that matter, the funding that fuels growth, and the strategies that sustain success in the SaaS industry. 

Show Notes: 
00:00 Transitioned from tech to investing, worked extensively. 

06:00 Utilizing digital workers to automate finance tasks. 

07:28 Quality of revenue impacts SaaS business value. 

12:15 Patient investors, proven product, successful growth strategies. 

14:00 CFO board support, strategic investors, $6M rounds. 

16:45 30-year renewal, testimonial, case studies, reaching CFOs, expanding volume. 

23:12 Guidance for fundraising: be balanced and transparent. 

25:30 Efficiency, team quality, growth, and customer retention. 

28:38 Embedding AI, ML, RPA and more into platform for users. 


Vipul Shah’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vpshah/ 

SaaSWorks’ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/saasworksinc/ 

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