$8M Raised to Systematize and Improve Your Product Launches

In this episode of The SaaS CFO Podcast, our guest Derek Osgood, founder and CEO of Ignition, shares valuable insights into the world of product marketing and go-to-market strategy. Derek discusses his background in running products and marketing teams, as well as the inception and offerings of Ignition, a platform that assists in creating and launching products, features, and campaigns. 

He delves into the industries Ignition serves, the target audience within organizations, and the effectiveness of its product. Derek also reveals key aspects of their go-to-market strategy, including channel partnerships and the lessons he learned from the fundraising process. 

Listeners can expect to gain a deeper understanding of the metrics and pricing model used by Ignition, as well as the future innovations and advancements planned for the company. So join us as Derek Osgood provides a comprehensive look into the world of product development and commercialization in the SaaS industry. 

Show Notes: 

00:00 Platform manages launch process, competitive analysis, roadmapping, go-to-market. 

05:03 Product and product marketing drive app usage. 

09:47 Channel partners incentivized with recurring revenue and involvement. 

12:22 Seed raise focused on usage and value. 

14:56 Dipping toe in fundraising process led to regret. 

18:06 Excited for AI in sales enablement growth. 

20:50 Mark's gone. Thanks, check out havignition.com. 


SaaS Fundraising Stories: https://www.thesaasnews.com/news/ignition-raises-8-million-in-seed-round 

Derek Osgood’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/derekosgood3/ 

Ignition’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/haveignition/ 

Ignition’s Website: https://www.haveignition.com/ 

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