$6M Raised to Keep Your Programmatic API Keys Safe

In this episode of The SaaS CFO Podcast, host Ben speaks with Itzik Alvas, the co-founder and CEO of Entro Security. Itzik shares his extensive background in cybersecurity, including his experience in offensive and defensive cybersecurity roles at the IDF and Microsoft.  
He provides valuable insights into the challenges companies face with securing and managing programmatic access keys, also known as secrets, and how Entro Security offers a complete solution to address this critical issue. Itzik discusses the target market for their solution, their sales cycle, and the lessons learned from their successful seed funding round. 
Listeners will gain valuable insight into the world of cybersecurity, entrepreneurship, and the exciting future plans for Entro Security. 

Show Notes: 
00:00 IBM and Verizon report on costly cyberattacks. 

03:31 Regenerating keys is essential for security. 

07:10 Co-founder experienced breaches, led to founding security company. 

11:11 Easy SaaS integrations, quick findings and reports. 

16:38 Validate, learn, improve, and go for it. 

17:49 Mainly focused on ARR and CAC metrics. 


Itzik Alvas’ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/itzik-alvas/ 

Nirit Icekson’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nirit-icekson-09999a/ 

Entro Security’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/entro-security/ 

Entro Security’s Website: https://entro.security/ 

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